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Tarpon Art By Florida Marine Artists

 tampa tarpon fishing report artist- brendan coudal  florida marine artist brendan coudal

My wife Nicole and I started out early Friday morning.  We were drifting a quarter mile from the beach off Casey Key as the sun first peaked over the tree line. A pod of tarpon broke the slick surface just to the North of us. We were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. I cast out a freshly caught pinfish(Nicole had sabikied up minutes earlier) ahead of the south bound school and held my breath. The cast looked good, and seconds later I felt the familiar tap and the subtle pull of the take. I wound up the little bit of slack left in the line and drove the hook home. I have fished for tarpon this way for over twenty years, and till this day, I have never seen a big tarpon jump as high as this one did. The fish was no more than fifteen feet from the boat when it felt the sting of the hook and blasted out of the water like a missile. We stood there awestruck as the fish shot upwards, easily twenty feet in the air. The trajectory was a perfect ark and the fish seemed to keep propelling

 herself as she ascended higher and higher. She jumped twice more almost as grandly and then peeled off a blistering run straight towards the beach. The battle ensued for twenty more minutes in the four foot deep swash channel until we could get her to the boat for some quick pictures, measurements, and a DNA sample before releasing her.

The fish had a 35" girth and 70" length, and that puts her weight at approximately 119 pounds, not the biggest tarpon I have ever caught, but one of the most memorable, and certainly the most spectacular jump I have ever witnessed of any fish!


                        Marine Artist & Angler Brendan Coudal - Brendan Gallery

marine artist brendan coudal tarpon art trpon art by marine artist brendan coudal tarpon art brendan coudal brendan gallery retro  brendan cudal retro artist

                                                                All images copyright of Brendan Coudal

                                           This unique retro style art is part of the Brendan Coudal Vintage Collection.

 Imagine you were about to die and your whole life flashed in front of your eyes. Would your mind replay happy memories of your childhood and the precious faces of your wife and kids? You would probably like to think so, but if for some reason the image of that big beautiful tarpon breaking water, tail walking and spitting the hook keeps coming to mind don't feel guilty or alone. What you are experiencing is not delirium or tarpon madness, but a vision of passion.

 Passion best describes the marine art of Brendan Coudal, an accomplished South Florida artist  and angler who paints and fishes with equal passion and enthusiasm. Coudal is one of those rare individuals who successfully lives by the old proverb," do what you love and love what you do." Testimony to this is evident in his art. Brendan Coudal  has successfully become one of Florida's most popular contemporary artists. Brendan's oil paintings and prints mainly focus on Florida marine life. Casey Key and the Myaka River are the back drops for many of Brendan’s paintings. The costal community of Nokomis and wife Nicole have been Brendan's drive and inspiration.

 When not in his studio Brendan can often be found on the warm waters surrounding Casey Key or the beaches of Boca Grande. Brendan is a serious tarpon angler with many inshore accomplishments including a world record for tarpon snook. Offshore, Brendan targets marlin, sailfish and tuna all of which have been sublimely depicted in his marine art.  Brendan some how still finds the time to be active in many South Florida fishing tournaments and charity events, as well as Mote Marine and the FWC tarpon genetics team. This retired charter boat captain has achieved the perfect balance between artist and angler, but don't take my word for it, Coudal's art speaks for itself!To view Brendan Coudal's art and learn more of the artist & Angler visit www.Brendangallery.com courtsey of Tampa Tarpon Report.

Achievements: This Florida Marine Artist's acheivements are many ,but to name a few Brendan’s art adorns the walls of several prominent Florida art galleries including: Redbone Gallery, Art Up Town Gallery and the Serendipity Gallery in Boca Grande Florida; the tarpon capital of the world. Brendan has also been featured on WSLR radio, PBS TV and in ABC's magazine Attitudes, Adventure Florida, GAFF magazine and yours truly, Tampa Tarpon Report. 






The Japanese art of fish printing.

Gyo translates as Fish. Taku translates as impression or rubbing.

Gyotaku began in Japan during the 1800’s as the method used by fishermen to record the size and species of their prized fish. The fish caught was cleaned on the outside and positioned as it would appear in life. Its detailed image was obtained by carefully pressing rice paper onto the fish covered with ink where the blank eye area remained to be hand painted. Due to the aesthetic quality of the work, Gyotaku developed into an art form.

Being a member of The Nature Print Society has given Florida marine artist Ken Dara the opportunity to study with some of the best Gyotaku artist in the US and Japan. Ken lives in Hobe Sound Florida where he enjoys fishing the Indian River Logoon and offshore for his next Gyotaku fishprint. The Tarpon used in this print came from the freeze that killed many of our sportfish a few years ago.

 To View more of Ken Dara's work vist: www.kendarafishprints.com

tarpon art by florida marine artists

Jeanie Beline of Geneva Florida is a self taught wildlife artist who specializes in scratchboard, pastels, acrylics, and pyrography scenes(wood burning). Jeanie's art is inspired by her love for animals. Jeanie best describes her artwork by saying, "My love for animals I hope shows in my work as many of my customers feel they can see the personalities of the animals through the eyes, which are the souls of the art."

tarpon Florida marine artwork

Beline is an accomplished marine artist whose central Florida subjects include tarpon, redfish, gators ........ Her unique canvas's often consist of vintage boat paddles, nautical wood objects, and drift wood gathered from Florida's remote beaches & isolated back country.

Jeanie Beline's art captures the true essence of Ol' Florida. Her cracker style art is a tribute to our wildlife and all the natural wonders the Florida gulf coast has to offer. 

The works of Florida artist Jeanie Beline are shown at the Wildchild Art Gallery in Matlacha Florida www.wildchildartgallery.com or by visting Beline's website at: www.wildlifefromscratch.com

Brought to you by Tarpon News at www.tampatarponreport.com



Tarpon Art by John Houle

Copyright 2011 | Tampa Tarpon Report | All rights Reseverd | Tarpon Art

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